Remember how for the past several months I have been moaning about wanting a new camera??
Welp, husband allowed me to pull the trigger and get one! (ain't he sweet?)
I have been saving my pennies from our weekly allowance, Christmas money, etc. and was coming up a little short. But, sweet husband pulled out the difference and this bad boy will be in our possession soon.
I know it isn't an overly crazy photography style camera, but who are we kidding? This will be used for my blogging fetish, vacationing, family togetherness, and the likes.
I'm excited to say the least. Now all that's left is learning how to use this sucker and posting some fun pics. And perhaps purchase a cute purse or something of the sort for carrying purposes. Gotta keep it classy.
*Side note, thank you to my Uncle Jeff who put up with numerous text messages filled with questions on what to get AND for finding me a great deal. He is my go to tech guy.
*Side note, thank you to my Uncle Jeff who put up with numerous text messages filled with questions on what to get AND for finding me a great deal. He is my go to tech guy.
Yay for nice boys and new cameras!