Monday, September 6, 2010

Come and Get It!

I remember specifically the night of our engagement, when all is blissful and full of excitement, Chris made it quite clear that we would have GREAT food at the wedding.  Not good, great.  We will not be the couple who is so wrapped up in saying hello to everyone that our belly's are growling by the time we leave for the evening (we will be social, but have full intentions of enjoying the meal).  Chris and I want to sit and help ourselves to a good old, stick to your ribs kinda meal.  I threw out an idea to Chris that evening which he wrapped hold of and we contacted our caterer within the following few days.

Our wedding will be catered by Catering Creations!  Jason Conover, co-owner of this fine business, has catered several mouth watering meals at our church.  Pulled pork, chicken, green beans, salad, rolls, mmmm good.  Basically, our food will fit right in with our backyard wedding, bar-b-que!! 

Side note... our venue has a dinner bell which will be used at our wedding, this makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know there was a dinner bell out there! How fun!!
