Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Five Million Minus 2

Meet the Blaines and the Brittons.  

These two wonderful families have felt the calling towards international adoption.  Throughout the past year it has been amazing to see the burden laid upon their hearts turn into loads of paper work being processed, finger prints, being placed on the waiting list, and all the while seeing God show up in amazing ways to provide for them.  It is so sweet to listen to their excitement for the little ones who will hopefully enter into each of their homes within the next year.  Even more so it tugs on my heart strings to hear them lift up the two moms who are going to place their babes into their care.  

With every adoption comes expenses and with an international adoption, you not only take into account the paper work fees, but also traveling expenses.  These families will be traveling to Ethiopia twice throughout their journey.  They have come up with the most creative ways to raise funds for their expenses, not to mention the generous anonymous gifts they have received.  If you would like to help support them in this endeavor, here are two fun ways to get involved.

1.  T-Shirts!  Who doesn't love a soft t-shirt to run around in?  They are selling shirts for $15 and they are lovely.

2.  Garage Sale!!!  This weekend, February 26, they will be hosting a large garage sale at our church, High Street Baptist.  All money raised goes towards the adoption and there will be LOTS of good stuff.  So, if you have been doing some spring cleaning and would like to fill up some empty closet space or holes throughout the house, come by the church between 7 am and 3 pm.


  1. I can't wait for the garage sale!!!!!!

  2. SO wish I could come to the garage sale! I need a good deal fix.
